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All roads led to Kingston, Jamaica, where Haitian political leaders and civil society leaders
together with CARICOM leaders are meeting for what they say is are high stakes dialogue. The
leaders intend to hold negotiations with an open mind, towards finding a compromise to address
the protracted political crisis that has crippled the country for far too long. The meeting dubbed
the Kingston Talks is aimed at finding a “Haitian solution” to the crisis and is being spearheaded
by the Caribbean community with help of the United States and Canada, which are providing
most of the financing while frustrated by ongoing divisions and lack of a broad consensus to
resolve the country’s crisis of governance. The major issues to be discussed include security,
future governance and elections, with both Washington and Ottawa hoping that this gathering
will yield a tangible solution to the ongoing crisis which has placed the country on the brink of
anarchy. In his address to the gathering, Prime Minister Philip Davis of The Bahamas, who is the
sitting chairman of the 15-member CARICOM, challenged the participants to commit to keep on
trying until a workable solution is found, because failure will mean more suffering and death for
Haitians people already suffering under the weight of violence, hunger, a cholera outbreak and
environmental disaster brought on by the recent flooding and earthquake that claimed many
In his opening address, interim Prime Minister Ariel Henry reminded the gathering that they did
not come to Jamaica to take instructions from anyone, nor to negotiate another new deal. They
are there to agree among compatriots with the national interest at heart, on next steps in the
search for a way forward towards the reconstruction and restoration of the country. Mr. Henri’s
presence then was not intended to settle scores, or better yet reproach anyone but to dialogue
among Haitians with the goal of finding lasting solutions. The Prime Minister renewed his
commitment to reshuffle his government and make administrative changes at the higher echelons
of his administration and at the departmental level. With his transitional council, assured the
Electoral commission, CEP, will reflect the diversity of opinions and groups in the country. This
he said will be done soon because it is important to prove to the Haitians that his government is
serious about giving the voice back to the people to choose their own destiny. On Monday, André
Michel, an ally of the government speaking to Magik 9 radio confirmed that the atmosphere in
Kingston was one of courtesy, mutual respect, and camaraderie among the delegates, despite
their differences. According to the spokesperson for Secteur démocratique et populaire party,
the meeting in Kingston has been in the works for some time and is part of the strengthening of
the December 21 Agreement, which aims for transparent, inclusive and transparent elections.
Elsewhere, during a meeting with Caribbean leaders in Nassau, Bahamas, Vice President Kamala
Harris announced the US government’s plan to help Haiti tackle the scourge of illegal arms and
ammunition trafficking by investing in a criminal investigative unit in collaboration with the
Haitian national police. Ms. Harris announced the initiative as part of more than $100 million in
commitments the Biden administration is making in the region in the areas of climate change,
clean energy and security. At least half of these funds will be used for humanitarian aid for Haiti.
Prior to her visit, the White House announced the creation of a new position inside the Justice
Department for Caribbean firearms prosecutions to maximize information sharing between the
U.S. and the region. Ms. Harris added the US will also support the recently established
Caribbean Crime Gun Intelligence Unit in Trinidad and Tobago to train officers and help bring
criminals to justice. The administration will create a Haiti Transnational Criminal Investigative

Unit in collaboration with the Haiti National Police to facilitate investigations and the
prosecution of foreigners and human trafficking, which affects the entire region.
Meanwhile, the national police celebrated its 28 th anniversary yesterday in a ceremony at the
National police academy. The ceremony started with a thanksgiving mass at the academy’s
amphitheater after which the usual speeches and recognition of achievements were n made. The
theme for the anniversary was “Ann kontinye pote kole pou Sekirite a blayi”. In his address
marking the occasion, interim police commissioner, Frantz Elbé took the opportunity to salute
the efforts of the valiant police officers who fought body and soul in the battle against violent
and heavily armed gangs, while launching a strong call for unity within the police institution. In
addition, a minute of silence was observed in memory of the police officers who died in the line
of duty. PM Henry sent his wishes to the police, as he was away in Kingston attending the
gathering of regional leaders. At the same time, the human rights network group, RNDDH,
released a report in which they estimate that at least five police officers have been are killed each
month since the beginning of the year. According to the report, between June 2022 and June
2023, at least 58 police officers were killed, making it 9.7 police officers per month, some of
whom have been killed after being kidnapped by gangs. The report went on to state that most of
the time; the judiciary does not back up the police officers, because they are quick to release the
criminal bandits after been arrested by the police, further endangering the police. High ranking
officials at the ceremony included the police commissioner, members of the High Command of
the PNH, the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Ms. Emmelie Prophète-Milcé, the Minister
of Economy and Finance, Patrick Boisvert, and other members of the Government, Ms. Mirlande
Manigat, President of the High Council of the Transition, Staff of the Armed Forces of Haiti,
Fad’H, judicial and civil authorities, as well as diplomatic and consular Representatives.
Finally, SunAuto, the Honda and Hyundai dealership located in Tabarre was set on fire last night.
The dealership which is in the same building as the honorary consulate of Jamaica was attacked
looted and burnt down. The honorary consulate was also attacked, looted and then burned, at a
time when the Haitian political class and civil society leaders are in Jamaica for an important
meeting on the future of the country. Most residents in the area have complained that attacks on
people, homes and businesses are increasing in Tabarre without decisive intervention by the
police or any statement from the authorities. Two former senators were nearly killed in their
homes in the area. There’s speculation also that the residence of the star journalist of radio Vision
2000, Marie Lucie Bonhomme, in the area, was attacked and looted early on Tuesday, June 13 by
heavily armed individuals, as the journalist was abducted and then released.
Dela Harlley

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