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The new transitional council, Le Haut Conseil de la transition (HCT) announced that it will
hold a two-day public forum scheduled for May 23 and 24, 2023 at the Hotel Karibe, and invites
all who are able to attend to come to this important event. In a pre-recorded message, Mirlande
Manigat, president of the HCT confirmed holding the forum on national security despite
criticism from opposition groups. According to Ms. Manigat, part of her responsibility as leader
of the transitional council is to hold this public meeting to address the security issue facing the
country and to fore a path through. Nothing that the country is going through difficult times, she
appealed to all those who can, to participate in this political dialogue because history will record
it as aware, and patriotic citizens who do not agree with the current situation and decided to
make a stand. Though the main theme for the dialogue is security, other pressing issues of
constitutional and electoral reforms, good governance, and economic and social measures were
added to the agenda as topics for discussion. For Ms. Manigat, these dark moments highlights the
responsibilities, in particular those of the elites who must ask themselves what they are going to
do, and what they are capable of doing. Signing on to the December 21 agreement is one way
that all members of the Haitian community can show that they take serious their responsibility
and through informed knowledge make decisions for the welfare of the nation.
Meanwhile at the recently held G7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, President Luis Inácio (Lula) da
Silva, of Brazil called for quick action on Haiti to alleviate the suffering of the Haitian people. In
his speech to the gathering, Lula stressed that the scourge facing the Haitian people is the result
of decades of indifference by the international community to the real needs of the country. This
call comes a week after the UN Secretary General Antonio Gutierres made similar appeal while
holding a press conference with the Jamaican Premier, Andrew Holness. The request made by
the Haitian government, led by Ariel Henry, for an international force to combat gangs has gone
unanswered for over six months, leaving the international community in search of new strategies.
The United States, following Canada’s lead, is now considering Brazil to assume a leadership
role in this mission. US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, visited Brazil to
initiate discussions on the matter, acknowledging Brazil’s concern for Haiti and its commitment
to finding a solution through collaboration with the Security Council. Lula’s strong stance on
Haiti and his call for international action at the G7 Summit demonstrate Brazil’s commitment to
addressing the challenges faced by the Haitian people, and by urging a comprehensive approach
and advocating for alternative solutions, Lula aims to bring attention to the urgent need for
support and development in Haiti.
Elsewhere, last Thursday May 18, 2023, was Flag Day and as usual, there were celebrations
across the nation and Diaspora to celebrate the occasion. But as millions celebrate, some Haitians
struggle to reconcile their national pride and the devastation that has plagued the country in
recent years. Thousands are seeking refuge in the US and elsewhere as they continue to flee
violence and hunger amid the political and economic instability. The US support for the country,
including extending the Temporary Protection Status through August 2024 and including
Haitians in the parole program — along with Cubans, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans — allows
up to 30,000 refugees i into the U.S. each month. But advocates for Haiti and other Black
migrants say the U.S. and the international community can do more to support Haiti beyond
welcoming Haitians into its borders, including addressing centuries of neglect and oppression.
Advocates argue that there should be a clear commitment from the US government to educate the
American people about the history, the relevance, and the importance of Haiti. According to

Joseph Tolton, founder, and president of the Pan-African advocacy group Interconnected Justice,
the US response to Ukraine was successful because the leaders were able to articulate the
strategic importance of helping Ukraine, which it has implications for the US’s national security
and keeping it in a global order. This unfortunately was not done for Haiti, whose history and
geographic location has significance for the US as the first black nation whose struggle inspired
liberation struggles across the globe.
In Springfield, OH, community members gathered at the City Hall Plaza to celebrate the growing
Haitian population in the city to commemorate Flag Day. The Mayor Warren Copeland
proclaimed May 18, 2023, as Haitian Flag Day in Springfield, and city leaders appreciated the
community’s impact on the city.
Health Commissioner Charlie Patterson said during the ceremony that the city wanted to
appreciate the community and take steps toward building a happy, successful relationship. In
New York, Florida and New Jersey, and other states with sizeable Haitian populations, it was a
day of solidarity with the people living under the violence and insecurity in the country. Others
took social media to protest and demand a stop to the incessant gang violence, killings, and daily
human rights abuses in the country.
Finally, in less than a week, the national police PNH, lost three (3) armored vehicles, when
heavily armed individuals set fire to an armored backhoe loader in Martissant after throwing
Molotov cocktails into the heavy machinery department of the PNH, after two Canadian INKAS
armored vehicles were destroyed late last week, in the same manner, killing a police officer. On
Sunday May 21, 2023, two bandits were killed by the police and an American-made M-4 rifle
was seized as part of a series of joint operations between the Petionville police station and the
Kenscoff police station in Fort-Jacques, Malik, Dieg, Meyòt and Madyowo, while on Monday,
and alleged member of the Savien’s “Gran Grif” gang was killed with a machete and his body
burned by residents of the Artibonite Valley. An armed individual trying to extort ransom from
several people on Rue Saint Surin in Petionville was killed in a gun battle with the police as
residents called for help.
Dela Harlley

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