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Black History Month

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On the progress we’ve made

The progress we’re making

The progress we’ll make

As people of African descent living in the United States of America, we have endured centuries of consistent attacks to our bodies, minds, and souls. We have survived by clinging to the idea that a better day is to come, and that our faith and purpose will redeem the broken humanity of others around us. Many might ask, what kind of people are we? What in our DNA make us survive, rise and surpass every obstacle that is thrown our way? In short, what is our superpower?

We are God’s gift to the world.

We have made it this far by faith, by the belief that progress, indeed the salvation of America, depends on us. We understand that our humility, our strength, and our faith will bring a better tomorrow. Our progress continues every day; every affront to our being, every attempt at making us lesser than we are, makes us stronger. We are the glue that keeps America together and that makes our country better. By embracing and sharing our love for humanity, and our belief in the greatness, we will realize a better day. 

During these times, our work, our abilities and our devotion are essential for living in this society. We are the ones who keep the country from collapsing We create, we innovate, we celebrate, and because of us, America lives and strives.

Truth be told, we are going through very difficult times, and unfortunately, there are difficult times ahead. But as we have done so many times before, our march towards progress will continue unabated. The progress we are making comes with confronting difficulties head on. George Floyd, and so many others violated, broken and destroyed African American bodies, were not destroyed in vain. The murder of our brothers and sisters exposed our weaknesses and failures as a country. The ensuing reckoning shows our ability to adapt and to accept a brave new world and an ever-changing society that continues to get better.  It gets better because we are moved, we are strong and we are tenacious.

We have suffered the many indignities and cruelties of man. Yet, we continue to believe in the power of redemption and of individual and collective betterment. We humanize all, by believing in the notion of progress, by dignified living; we embrace and share with all of those around us. We reject prophesies of doom and gloom because we are the conscience of America.

Our Blackness, evidence of the foundation of a human past, is key to the preservation of the human present, and assurance of a human future. Our blackness is the soul, the foundation upon which all else is built. Our blackness is God’s gift to humanity, the tide that lifts all boats, the guiding star that lights up the universe.

So, as we move forward, in this Black History month of 2022, we believe that our stars will always shine bright. We will be fine. We will succeed.  We will surpass every expectation.  

All is possible even though we have suffered. Times may be troubling, but there is no reason to despair. We have experience, we have power and we have hope.

Our future is bright.  Because of what we have already accomplished, and our vision for the future, we will continue to make progress as a people, and as a society. 
As James Baldwin stated, “I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am also, much more than that. So are we all”

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