HomeActualitéBALLET HISPÁNICO: The World Premiere of Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s Tiburones

BALLET HISPÁNICO: The World Premiere of Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s Tiburones

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The World Premiere of

Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s Tiburones

A Restaging of Nací by Andrea Miller

Con Brazos Abiertos by Michelle Manzanales

November 22-23, 2019 at 8:00pm


Ballet Hispánico, the nation’s premier Latino dance organization, returns to the Apollo stage on Friday and Saturday, November 22 and 23, 2019 at 8:00pm with a program that continues its commitment to staging works by female, Latinx choreographers. Ballet Hispánico is sponsored by Goya. This performance at the Apollo is sponsored by Citi.


In the World Premiere of Tiburones, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa addresses the discrimination and stereotypes placed upon Latinx culture and the power the media has in portraying these themes by diminishing the voices of Latinx artists. Ochoa will deconstruct gender roles and identity to revitalize an authentic perspective of Puerto Rican icons appropriated within the entertainment industry.


In this restaging of Nací (2009), choreographer Andrea Miller draws from the multiplicity of her Spanish and Jewish-American background and employs her distinctive movement language to search for a new sense of home in this remembrance of lost and found homelands.


Con Brazos Abiertos (2017) is a fun and frank look at life caught between two cultures. Michelle Manzanales utilizes iconic Mexican symbols that she was reluctant to embrace as a Mexican-American child growing up in Texas, to speak to the immigrant experience. Intertwining folkloric representations with humor and music that ranges from Julio Iglesias to Rock en Español, the work brings life to a Latino dilemma.


“We are thrilled to bring the World Premiere of Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s Tiburones to the Apollo Theater. Ballet Hispánico is dedicated to providing arts programming that is accessible to community members of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds and we are grateful for this continued partnership with the Apollo, allowing us another opportunity to elevate the voices of Latinx and female artists,” said Artistic Director & CEO Eduardo Vilaro.

“Our collaboration with Ballet Hispánico not only speaks to the importance of presenting such vital works in Harlem, but also speaks to the Apollo’s mission of continuing to create a 21st century performing arts canon. We want to not only commission and present a myriad of new multidisciplinary works, but also continue being a home for cultural innovators such as Ballet Hispánico,” said Kamilah Forbes, Apollo Theater Executive Producer.

“We are proud to support the work and talent of Ballet Hispánico because we value organizations who bring together communities of all cultures and ages through the beauty and passion of their art form,” said Rafael Toro, Director of Public Relations of GOYA Foods.


Tickets begin at $13.50 and are available by phone at (800) 745-3000

or online at https://www.apollotheater.org/event/ballet-hispanico-4/2019-11-22/.
For more information, visit ballethispanico.org.



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